Ahmad Ismail

Ahmad Ismail Email and Phone Number

Assistant Vice President, Economic Prosperity Division @ Iskandar Regional Development Authority (irda)
johor bahru, johor, malaysia

Ahmad Ismail's Current Company Details


Iskandar Regional Development Authority (Irda)

Assistant Vice President, Economic Prosperity Division
johor bahru, johor, malaysia
Government Relations

Ahmad Ismail Work Experience

Ahmad Ismail Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Ahmad Ismail

What company does Ahmad Ismail work for?

Ahmad Ismail works for Iskandar Regional Development Authority (Irda)

What is Ahmad Ismail's role in his/her workplace?

Ahmad Ismail's role in his/her workplace is Assistant Vice President, Economic Prosperity Division.

Which industry does Ahmad Ismail work in currently?

Ahmad Ismail works in the industry Government Relations.

What schools did Ahmad Ismail attend?

Ahmad Ismail attended Universiti Putra Malaysia, Universiti Putra Malaysia. Universiti Putra Malaysia, Universiti Putra Malaysia. and Malaysia Institute Of Integrative Media (Miim).

What is Ahmad Ismail's role in his workplace?

Ahmad Ismail has skills like Videography, and Visual Editing.

Who are Ahmad Ismail's colleagues?

Ahmad Ismail's colleagues are Subrahmanyam K, Subrahmanyam K, Nur Aziz, Nur Aziz, Ong Chong, Ong Chong, Anita J, Anita J, Fuad Salleh, Fuad Salleh, and Jeremie Gravel. and Suhaimi Salleh.

Who are Ahmad Ismail's peers at other companies?

Ahmad Ismail's peers at other companies are Joanne S, Aanchal Srivastava, Sachin Thapar, Haley Proffitt, Eliot Lee, and Abdelmalek Mahiddine. and Tarun Kanojia. Ahmad Ismail's peers at other companies are Joanne S, Aanchal Srivastava, Sachin Thapar, Haley Proffitt, Eliot Lee, and Abdelmalek Mahiddine. and Tarun Kanojia.