Ahmad Al-ahmad

Ahmad Al-ahmad Email and Phone Number

Crew @ Mcdonald's
chicago, illinois, united states

Ahmad Al-ahmad's Current Company Details



chicago, illinois, united states
My name is Ahmad Al-Ahmad,I'm studying CIS(Computer Information System) at university of JordanI studied visual basic at school then I got a course about visual basic programming,I made program that convert between two programming languagesI studied C++ at university of JordanI worked at rawafed recruitment as data entry,problem solving and coordinator interviews

Ahmad Al-ahmad Work Experience

Ahmad Al-ahmad Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Ahmad Al-ahmad

What company does Ahmad Al-ahmad work for?

Ahmad Al-ahmad works for Mcdonald's

What is Ahmad Al-ahmad's role in his/her workplace?

Ahmad Al-ahmad's role in his/her workplace is Crew.

Which industry does Ahmad Al-ahmad work in currently?

Ahmad Al-ahmad works in the industry Restaurants.

What schools did Ahmad Al-ahmad attend?

Ahmad Al-ahmad attended University Of Jordan.

Who are Ahmad Al-ahmad's colleagues?

Ahmad Al-ahmad's colleagues are Mary Griffin, Mary Griffin, Adam Whitford, Adam Whitford, Simon Persson, Simon Persson, Balta Roxana, Balta Roxana, Lynn Sorich, Lynn Sorich, and Mel Frankland. and Vanessa Gaston.

Who are Ahmad Al-ahmad's peers at other companies?

Ahmad Al-ahmad's peers at other companies are Andruw Carroll, Surendra Singh, Amanda Gheen, Tammie Justice, Joël Pieterse, and Deon Demoruelle. and Svetlana Biloghe. Ahmad Al-ahmad's peers at other companies are Andruw Carroll, Surendra Singh, Amanda Gheen, Tammie Justice, Joël Pieterse, and Deon Demoruelle. and Svetlana Biloghe.