Zohaib Shafiq

Zohaib Shafiq Email and Phone Number

Gis Documentation @ Soli Infratechnik Gmbh
hannover, niedersachsen, germany

Zohaib Shafiq's Current Company Details

Soli Infratechnik Gmbh

Gis Documentation
hannover, niedersachsen, germany

Zohaib Shafiq Work Experience

Zohaib Shafiq Education

Frequently Asked Questions about Zohaib Shafiq

What company does Zohaib Shafiq work for?

Zohaib Shafiq works for Soli Infratechnik Gmbh

What is Zohaib Shafiq's role in his/her workplace?

Zohaib Shafiq's role in his/her workplace is Gis Documentation.

Which industry does Zohaib Shafiq work in currently?

Zohaib Shafiq works in the industry Telecommunications.

What schools did Zohaib Shafiq attend?

Zohaib Shafiq attended University Of Bremen, University Of Bremen. The University Of Hull, The University Of Hull. and Bahria University.

Who are Zohaib Shafiq's peers at other companies?

Zohaib Shafiq's peers at other companies are George Cabral, Jacky Ko, Dominique Monasterio, Rakesh Pal, Amisha Chandra, and Shanpeng Xiao. and Sushila Bhattarai. Zohaib Shafiq's peers at other companies are George Cabral, Jacky Ko, Dominique Monasterio, Rakesh Pal, Amisha Chandra, and Shanpeng Xiao. and Sushila Bhattarai.