Zagros Pishro

Zagros Pishro Email and Phone Number

Mobile Engineer @ Samsung Electronics
budapest, budapest, hungary

Zagros Pishro's Current Company Details

Samsung Electronics

Mobile Engineer
budapest, budapest, hungary
Consumer Electronics

Zagros Pishro Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Zagros Pishro

What company does Zagros Pishro work for?

Zagros Pishro works for Samsung Electronics

What is Zagros Pishro's role in his/her workplace?

Zagros Pishro's role in his/her workplace is Mobile Engineer.

Which industry does Zagros Pishro work in currently?

Zagros Pishro works in the industry Consumer Electronics.

Who are Zagros Pishro's colleagues?

Zagros Pishro's colleagues are Flora Price, Flora Price, David Bitton, David Bitton, Vandana Rakhunde, Vandana Rakhunde, Nazih Alhamdi, Nazih Alhamdi, Tequila Brown, Tequila Brown, and Pollyana Moraes. and Yeshwini Rajkumar.

Who are Zagros Pishro's peers at other companies?

Zagros Pishro's peers at other companies are Riham Alemam, Kristi Coleman, Mohd Abuzaid, Sander Luik, Ruth Marvin, and Mark Shaklee. and Robin Vikøren. Zagros Pishro's peers at other companies are Riham Alemam, Kristi Coleman, Mohd Abuzaid, Sander Luik, Ruth Marvin, and Mark Shaklee. and Robin Vikøren.