Zack Peszek

Zack Peszek Email and Phone Number

Satellite Technician @ Lockheed Martin
bethesda, maryland, united states

Zack Peszek's Current Company Details

Lockheed Martin

Satellite Technician
bethesda, maryland, united states
Defense & Space

Zack Peszek Work Experience

Zack Peszek Education

    Twin Valley High School
    2018 - 2022

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Frequently Asked Questions about Zack Peszek

What company does Zack Peszek work for?

Zack Peszek works for Lockheed Martin

What is Zack Peszek's role in his/her workplace?

Zack Peszek's role in his/her workplace is Satellite Technician.

Which industry does Zack Peszek work in currently?

Zack Peszek works in the industry Defense & Space.

What schools did Zack Peszek attend?

Zack Peszek attended Twin Valley High School.

Who are Zack Peszek's colleagues?

Zack Peszek's colleagues are Dylan Clark, Dylan Clark, Pablo Cuervo, Pablo Cuervo, Alex Baughman, Alex Baughman, Shaun Manglaylay, Shaun Manglaylay, Mike Sanders, Mike Sanders, and Mike Roberto. and Kevin Gray.

Who are Zack Peszek's peers at other companies?

Zack Peszek's peers at other companies are Yusuf Daldiran, Kishan Guptha, Thom Robinson, Emmanuel Morfiadakis, Robert Sisco, and Roland Lemieux. and Vivien Massie. Zack Peszek's peers at other companies are Yusuf Daldiran, Kishan Guptha, Thom Robinson, Emmanuel Morfiadakis, Robert Sisco, and Roland Lemieux. and Vivien Massie.