Yeliz Agca

Yeliz Agca Email and Phone Number

Satınalma @ Tosyali Holding
ataşehir, istanbul, turkey

Yeliz Agca's Current Company Details

Tosyali Holding

ataşehir, istanbul, turkey
Mining & Metals

Yeliz Agca Work Experience

    Tosyali Holding Oct 14 - Present · 10 yrs 3 mos
    Ataşehir, Istanbul, Turkey

Yeliz Agca Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Yeliz Agca

What company does Yeliz Agca work for?

Yeliz Agca works for Tosyali Holding

What is Yeliz Agca's role in his/her workplace?

Yeliz Agca's role in his/her workplace is Satınalma.

Which industry does Yeliz Agca work in currently?

Yeliz Agca works in the industry Mining & Metals.

What schools did Yeliz Agca attend?

Yeliz Agca attended Gazi Üniversitesi, Gazi Üniversitesi. and Gazi University.

Who are Yeliz Agca's colleagues?

Yeliz Agca's colleagues are Ahmet Karaoğlu, Ahmet Karaoğlu, Tolga Topaloğlu, Tolga Topaloğlu, Murat Doğan, Murat Doğan, Necati Mısıroğlu, Necati Mısıroğlu, Burhan Arıkan, Burhan Arıkan, and Serkan Oktay. and Saquib Mohid.

Who are Yeliz Agca's peers at other companies?

Yeliz Agca's peers at other companies are Jordanha Targino, Ryan Weir, Audrey Maruping, Johnniscler Brito, Nick Feros, and Murat Degirmenci. and Piyush Phalak. Yeliz Agca's peers at other companies are Jordanha Targino, Ryan Weir, Audrey Maruping, Johnniscler Brito, Nick Feros, and Murat Degirmenci. and Piyush Phalak.