Xolani Zondi

Xolani Zondi Email and Phone Number

Branch Manager @ Letsatsi Finance And Loan
south africa

Xolani Zondi's Current Company Details


Letsatsi Finance And Loan

Branch Manager
south africa
Financial Services
I have more than 10 years Banking experience,sales and customer services

Xolani Zondi Work Experience

  • letsatsifinance.co.za
    Business Banker
    First National Bank Feb 10 - Feb 17 · 7 yrs
    Cloverdale, Indiana, United States
  • letsatsifinance.co.za
    Branch Manager
    Letsatsi Finance And Loan Feb 17 - Present · 8 yrs
    South Africa
    I have changed companies now Branch Manager on the South Coast

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Frequently Asked Questions about Xolani Zondi

What company does Xolani Zondi work for?

Xolani Zondi works for Letsatsi Finance And Loan

What is Xolani Zondi's role in his/her workplace?

Xolani Zondi's role in his/her workplace is Branch Manager.

Which industry does Xolani Zondi work in currently?

Xolani Zondi works in the industry Financial Services.

Who are Xolani Zondi's colleagues?

Xolani Zondi's colleagues are Precis Baloyi, Precis Baloyi, Mbukiso Jele, Mbukiso Jele, Innocent Hlongwane, Innocent Hlongwane, Boniswa Mabaso, Boniswa Mabaso, Andries Grundlingh, Andries Grundlingh, and Zito Twala. and Mbasa Lusawana.

Who are Xolani Zondi's peers at other companies?

Xolani Zondi's peers at other companies are Manish Chhabria, Shelley Osborn, Emiel Davis, Muriella Felton, Xolani Zondi, and Xiaolei Dong. and Christer Friberg. Xolani Zondi's peers at other companies are Manish Chhabria, Shelley Osborn, Emiel Davis, Muriella Felton, Xolani Zondi, and Xiaolei Dong. and Christer Friberg.