Wolye Beketa

Wolye Beketa Email and Phone Number

Un @ Unmissable
london, greater london, united kingdom

Wolye Beketa's Contact Information

Wolye Beketa personal email


Wolye Beketa's Current Company Details



london, greater london, united kingdom
Marketing And Advertising

Wolye Beketa Work Experience

  • unmissable.com
    Network Adminstrator
    Sint-Martens-Latem, Oost-Vlaanderen, Belgium
  • unmissable.com
    Unmissable Jan 15 - Present · 10 yrs
    London, Greater London, United Kingdom

Wolye Beketa Education

  • unmissable.com
    Adama Science And Technology University
    Bachelors in Computer Science 2006 - 2008

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Frequently Asked Questions about Wolye Beketa

What company does Wolye Beketa work for?

Wolye Beketa works for Unmissable

What is Wolye Beketa's role in his/her workplace?

Wolye Beketa's role in his/her workplace is Un.

Which industry does Wolye Beketa work in currently?

Wolye Beketa works in the industry Marketing And Advertising.

What is Wolye Beketa's email address?

Wolye Beketa's email address is wbeketa@unmissable.com

What schools did Wolye Beketa attend?

Wolye Beketa attended Adama Science And Technology University.

What is Wolye Beketa's role in his workplace?

Wolye Beketa has skills like Microsoft Office, Windows Server, Troubleshooting, Sql, Microsoft Sql Server, Windows, Active Directory, Linux, Servers, Html, and Networking Skill.

Who are Wolye Beketa's colleagues?

Wolye Beketa's colleagues are Mandeep Raut, Mandeep Raut, Mufigi Angosmomo, Mufigi Angosmomo, Muthu Raj, Muthu Raj, Ayay Deng, Ayay Deng, Paul Kasase, Paul Kasase, and Titus Nderitu. and Jane Jnakaliika.

Who are Wolye Beketa's peers at other companies?

Wolye Beketa's peers at other companies are Aldo Rocha, Huu Trung, Sandi Mueller, Caroline Rabelo, Samiksha Jadhav, and Maria Di Luca. and Sonia Carasso. Wolye Beketa's peers at other companies are Aldo Rocha, Huu Trung, Sandi Mueller, Caroline Rabelo, Samiksha Jadhav, and Maria Di Luca. and Sonia Carasso.