Vittoria Bertone

Vittoria Bertone Email and Phone Number

Rilevatore Professionale @ Consulmarketing Spa
milano, lombardy, italy

Vittoria Bertone's Contact Information

Vittoria Bertone work email

Vittoria Bertone personal email


Vittoria Bertone Current Company

Consulmarketing Spa

Rilevatore Professionale
milano, lombardy, italy
Marketing And Advertising
Intervistatore presso Consulmarketing Spa

Vittoria Bertone Work Experience

    Rilevatore Professionale
    Consulmarketing Spa Sep 14 - Present · 10 yrs 3 mos
    Milan, Lombardia, Italy
    Intervistatore face to face per diverse indagini di mercato e product test
    Rilevatore Professionale
    Bva Doxa End date missing
    Intervistatore face to face per l'indagine ISTAT sulle "Condizioni di vita delle famiglie italiane (Eu-silc)"; Intervistatore face to face per diverse indagini di mercato (CATI-CAPI).
    Rilevatore Professionale
    Pragma Selezione End date missing
    Cordenons, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Italy
    Demoskopea S.P.A. Oct 00 - Apr 03 · 2 yrs 6 mos

Frequently Asked Questions about Vittoria Bertone

What company does Vittoria Bertone work for?

Vittoria Bertone works for Consulmarketing Spa

What is Vittoria Bertone's role in his workplace?

Vittoria Bertone's role in his workplace is Rilevatore Professionale.

Which industry does Vittoria Bertone work in currently?

Vittoria Bertone works in the industry Marketing And Advertising.

What is Vittoria Bertone's email address?

Vittoria Bertone's email address is

Who are Vittoria Bertone's colleagues?

Vittoria Bertone's colleagues are Laura Maccione, Laura Maccione, Cristina Scapin, Cristina Scapin, Morena Sconfietti, Morena Sconfietti, Lorena Cividini, Lorena Cividini, Angela Balzano, Angela Balzano, and Alberto Valseriati. and Stefania Bartozzi.

Who are Vittoria Bertone's peers at other companies?

Vittoria Bertone's peers at other companies are Wolye Beketa, Caroline Rabelo, Sandi Mueller, Huu Trung, Vince De Tiberiis, and Monique Kneepkens. and Samiksha Jadhav. Vittoria Bertone's peers at other companies are Wolye Beketa, Caroline Rabelo, Sandi Mueller, Huu Trung, Vince De Tiberiis, and Monique Kneepkens. and Samiksha Jadhav.