Vik Villalta

Vik Villalta Email and Phone Number

seattle, washington, united states

Vik Villalta's Contact Information

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Vik Villalta's Current Company Details

Catholic Community Services

seattle, washington, united states
Non-Profit Organization Management
A dedicated and compasionate individual who understands the need and neccesity of team work while focusing on providing outstanding customer service.

Vik Villalta Work Experience

Vik Villalta Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Vik Villalta

What company does Vik Villalta work for?

Vik Villalta works for Catholic Community Services

Which industry does Vik Villalta work in currently?

Vik Villalta works in the industry Non-Profit Organization Management.

What is Vik Villalta's email address?

Vik Villalta's email address is

What schools did Vik Villalta attend?

Vik Villalta attended Edmonds College, Edmonds College. and Edmonds Community College.

What is Vik Villalta's role in his workplace?

Vik Villalta has skills like

Who are Vik Villalta's colleagues?

Vik Villalta's colleagues are Chuck Fisher, Chuck Fisher, Patt Kupka, Patt Kupka, Samaria Lopez, Samaria Lopez, Johanna Cherland, Johanna Cherland, Wiyual Jang, Wiyual Jang, and Greg Fitzgerald. and Jane Villalba.

Who are Vik Villalta's peers at other companies?

Vik Villalta's peers at other companies are Allan Betty, Sam Young, Vivian Hunter, Nicolas Daniel, Hedvig Varadi, and Patricia Rilo. and Hakimah Abdullah. Vik Villalta's peers at other companies are Allan Betty, Sam Young, Vivian Hunter, Nicolas Daniel, Hedvig Varadi, and Patricia Rilo. and Hakimah Abdullah.