Victor Ibarra

Victor Ibarra Email and Phone Number

Executive Chef @ Aimbridge Hospitality
plano, texas, united states

Victor Ibarra's Contact Information

Victor Ibarra work email

Victor Ibarra personal email


Victor Ibarra's Current Company Details

Aimbridge Hospitality

Executive Chef
plano, texas, united states

Victor Ibarra Work Experience

    Executive Chef
    Aimbridge Hospitality Sep 21 - Present · 3 yrs 4 mos
    Plano, Texas, United States
    Sous Chef
    Evolution Hospitality 2011 - 2012 · 1 yr
    San Clemente, California, United States
    Evolution Hospitality, based in San Clemente, Calif., manages hotel and resort properties in major metropolitan markets across the United States. We operate with a servant leadership mentality, focused on three constituents: guests, associates and owners. Our management philosophy is highly revenue and sales driven, recognizing that consistent business volumes and outstanding top-line results are the first step in exceeding our constituents' expectations. Properties managed by the Evolution Hospitality team have earned numerous accolades, including several AAA Four Diamond Awards, Travel Weekly's Silver Magellan Award and American Business Awards (Stevies). A few hotels in the Evolution Hospitality portfolio include: Hard Rock Hotel San Diego, The Queen Mary, Hyatt Fisherman's Wharf and Hilton San Diego Mission Valley. A full list of our portfolio can be found at

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Frequently Asked Questions about Victor Ibarra

What company does Victor Ibarra work for?

Victor Ibarra works for Aimbridge Hospitality

What is Victor Ibarra's role in his/her workplace?

Victor Ibarra's role in his/her workplace is Executive Chef.

Which industry does Victor Ibarra work in currently?

Victor Ibarra works in the industry Hospitality.

What is Victor Ibarra's email address?

Victor Ibarra's email address is

Who are Victor Ibarra's colleagues?

Victor Ibarra's colleagues are Bill Winters, Bill Winters, Amanda Sullivan, Amanda Sullivan, Caramarie Keith, Caramarie Keith, Stephen Wyner, Stephen Wyner, Sharon Priester, Sharon Priester, and Nashrullah Najib. and Holly Laird.

Who are Victor Ibarra's peers at other companies?

Victor Ibarra's peers at other companies are Naveen Singh, Kim Hodge, Katrina Collinge, Ashley Downing, Lorena Sosa, and Gage Stromme. and Lilya Tveryankina. Victor Ibarra's peers at other companies are Naveen Singh, Kim Hodge, Katrina Collinge, Ashley Downing, Lorena Sosa, and Gage Stromme. and Lilya Tveryankina.