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Start your free trialFrequently Asked Questions about Vicenta Ndongo
What company does Vicenta Ndongo work for?
Vicenta Ndongo works for Racconto
What is Vicenta Ndongo's role in his/her workplace?
Vicenta Ndongo's role in his/her workplace is Guionista Y Actriz.
What is Vicenta Ndongo's email address?
Vicenta Ndongo's email address is
What schools did Vicenta Ndongo attend?
Vicenta Ndongo attended Universitat Autònoma De Barcelona.
What are some of Vicenta Ndongo's interests?
Vicenta Ndongo has interests in Civil Rights And Social Action, Civil Rights And Social Action. Environment, Environment. Poverty Alleviation, Poverty Alleviation. Disaster And Humanitarian Relief, Disaster And Humanitarian Relief. Human Rights, Human Rights. Animal Welfare, Animal Welfare. and Arts And Culture.
What is Vicenta Ndongo's role in his workplace?
Vicenta Ndongo has skills like Film, Redes Sociales, Television, Acting, Escenarios, Entretenimiento, Largometrajes, Social Media, Stage, Dance, Teatro, Video, Editing, Entertainment, Drama, Feature Films, Film Production, Singing, and Event Management.
Who are Vicenta Ndongo's colleagues?
Vicenta Ndongo's colleagues are Joan Morillo, Joan Morillo, Ferran Mateu, Ferran Mateu, Joan Miralbell, Joan Miralbell, Violeta Sugranyes, Violeta Sugranyes, Garo Adhikiyan, Garo Adhikiyan, and Aleix Serra. and Albert Lladó.