Valdecir Gomes Email and Phone Number
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What company does Valdecir Gomes work for?
Valdecir Gomes works for 3 E Engenharia
What is Valdecir Gomes's role in his/her workplace?
Valdecir Gomes's role in his/her workplace is Supervisor.
Which industry does Valdecir Gomes work in currently?
Valdecir Gomes works in the industry Accounting.
What is Valdecir Gomes's email address?
Valdecir Gomes's email address is
What is Valdecir Gomes's role in his workplace?
Valdecir Gomes has skills like
Who are Valdecir Gomes's colleagues?
Valdecir Gomes's colleagues are Adyjane Santos, Adyjane Santos, Raimundo Queiroz, Raimundo Queiroz, Jade Camila, Jade Camila, Wesley Serafim, Wesley Serafim, Tomas De Souza, Tomas De Souza, and Juliana Avelino. and Aloisio Gervin.
Who are Valdecir Gomes's peers at other companies?
Valdecir Gomes's peers at other companies are Songyue Tian, Bayram Güney, Guillermo Balsemhof, Mesaa Mostafa Aborahma, Peter Andersen, and Nicholas Johnson. and Chandra Mouli. Valdecir Gomes's peers at other companies are Songyue Tian, Bayram Güney, Guillermo Balsemhof, Mesaa Mostafa Aborahma, Peter Andersen, and Nicholas Johnson. and Chandra Mouli.