Tuyikunde Jackson

Tuyikunde Jackson Email and Phone Number


Tuyikunde Jackson's Current Company Details


Horizon Sopyrwa


Tuyikunde Jackson Work Experience

  • sopyrwa.com
    Student Intern
    Horizon Sopyrwa Jun 15 - Aug 15 · 2 mos
    I was working on different types of motors and generator within the industry doing maintenance and repair . I have also deal with installation in the industry.

Tuyikunde Jackson Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Tuyikunde Jackson

What company does Tuyikunde Jackson work for?

Tuyikunde Jackson works for Horizon Sopyrwa

Which industry does Tuyikunde Jackson work in currently?

Tuyikunde Jackson works in the industry Farming.

What schools did Tuyikunde Jackson attend?

Tuyikunde Jackson attended University Of Rwanda.

Who are Tuyikunde Jackson's colleagues?

Tuyikunde Jackson's colleagues are Edwin Minega, Edwin Minega, Vicky Hirwa, Vicky Hirwa, and Deo Agaba. and Gloria Mutoni.

Who are Tuyikunde Jackson's peers at other companies?

Tuyikunde Jackson's peers at other companies are Aline Morais, Kenneth Jørgensen, Geoffrey Nyandoro, Carlos Soldá, Pieter Stox, and Lorne Letkeman. and Hugo Ficarra. Tuyikunde Jackson's peers at other companies are Aline Morais, Kenneth Jørgensen, Geoffrey Nyandoro, Carlos Soldá, Pieter Stox, and Lorne Letkeman. and Hugo Ficarra.