Tomer Pronov

Tomer Pronov Email and Phone Number

Mechanical Engineer @ Mazor Robotics

Tomer Pronov's Contact Details

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Tomer Pronov's Current Company Details

Mazor Robotics

Mechanical Engineer
Medical Devices
Bachelor's degree at Technion - Israel Institute of Technology

Tomer Pronov Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Tomer Pronov

What company does Tomer Pronov work for?

Tomer Pronov works for Mazor Robotics

What is Tomer Pronov's role in his/her workplace?

Tomer Pronov's role in his/her workplace is Mechanical Engineer.

Which industry does Tomer Pronov work in currently?

Tomer Pronov works in the industry Medical Devices.

What is Tomer Pronov's email address?

Tomer Pronov's email address is

What is Tomer Pronov's role in his workplace?

Tomer Pronov has skills like Matlab, Solidworks, Engineering, and C.

Who are Tomer Pronov's colleagues?

Tomer Pronov's colleagues are Ori Hadomi, Ori Hadomi, Nir Schwartz, Nir Schwartz, Jason Gillis, Jason Gillis, Ron Visbrot, Ron Visbrot, Ori Yaffe, Ori Yaffe, and Steve Lamerson. and Peter Sirkis.

Who are Tomer Pronov's peers at other companies?

Tomer Pronov's peers at other companies are Paul Bailey, Jo Davis, Sunghoon Kwon, Jamie Corbett, Christine Grubbs, and Kelly Doyle. and Oszlánszki Attila. Tomer Pronov's peers at other companies are Paul Bailey, Jo Davis, Sunghoon Kwon, Jamie Corbett, Christine Grubbs, and Kelly Doyle. and Oszlánszki Attila.