Tom Le Tacon

Tom Le Tacon Email and Phone Number

Responsable Projets Logistique @ Velux
horsholm, hovedstaden, denmark

Tom Le Tacon's Current Company Details


Responsable Projets Logistique
horsholm, hovedstaden, denmark
Building Materials

Tom Le Tacon Work Experience

    Responsable Projets Logistique
    Horsholm, Hovedstaden, Denmark

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Frequently Asked Questions about Tom Le Tacon

What company does Tom Le Tacon work for?

Tom Le Tacon works for Velux

What is Tom Le Tacon's role in his/her workplace?

Tom Le Tacon's role in his/her workplace is Responsable Projets Logistique.

Which industry does Tom Le Tacon work in currently?

Tom Le Tacon works in the industry Building Materials.

Who are Tom Le Tacon's colleagues?

Tom Le Tacon's colleagues are Raphaël Glasz, Raphaël Glasz, Peter Jacobsen, Peter Jacobsen, Harry Pedersen, Harry Pedersen, Polina Klepkova, Polina Klepkova, Svetlana Karpechenkova, Svetlana Karpechenkova, and Annelise Jensen. and Mads Madsen.

Who are Tom Le Tacon's peers at other companies?

Tom Le Tacon's peers at other companies are Cristian Imbarack, Victor Romero, Gregory Pearson, Fatos Mimini, Bill Toth, and Brian Durfee. and Sourav Acharyya. Tom Le Tacon's peers at other companies are Cristian Imbarack, Victor Romero, Gregory Pearson, Fatos Mimini, Bill Toth, and Brian Durfee. and Sourav Acharyya.