Tom Faure

Tom Faure Email and Phone Number

Directeur Du Lycée @ Ecole Jeannine Manuel
france, aquitaine, france

Tom Faure's Contact Information

Tom Faure phone numbers

Tom Faure's Current Company Details

Ecole Jeannine Manuel

Directeur Du Lycée
france, aquitaine, france
Primary/secondary Education
I put the cool in uncool.

Tom Faure Work Experience

Tom Faure Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Tom Faure

What company does Tom Faure work for?

Tom Faure works for Ecole Jeannine Manuel

What is Tom Faure's role in his/her workplace?

Tom Faure's role in his/her workplace is Directeur Du Lycée.

Which industry does Tom Faure work in currently?

Tom Faure works in the industry Primary/Secondary Education.

What is Tom Faure's email address?

Tom Faure's email address is

What is Tom Faure's direct phone number?

Tom Faure's direct phone number is +19142500000

What schools did Tom Faure attend?

Tom Faure attended Columbia University In The City Of New York, Columbia University In The City Of New York. and Vermont College Of Fine Arts.

What is Tom Faure's role in his workplace?

Tom Faure has skills like Editing, Blogging, Social Media, Research, Facebook, Public Speaking, Microsoft Office, Powerpoint, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, News Writing, Photoshop, Indesign, and Photography.

Who are Tom Faure's colleagues?

Tom Faure's colleagues are Camille Duquesne, Camille Duquesne, Laura Nequest, Laura Nequest, Selda Celik, Selda Celik, Bernard Manuel, Bernard Manuel, Anna Cappi, Anna Cappi, and Angelina Sturza. and Eleanor Jervis.

Who are Tom Faure's peers at other companies?

Tom Faure's peers at other companies are Meine Van Der Graaf, Jakhona Umarova, Paulina Castorena-Villarreal, Sara Perry, Cecilia Contreras, and Ana Rojas. and Elise Laws. Tom Faure's peers at other companies are Meine Van Der Graaf, Jakhona Umarova, Paulina Castorena-Villarreal, Sara Perry, Cecilia Contreras, and Ana Rojas. and Elise Laws.