Todd Poppell

Todd Poppell Email and Phone Number

Student And Connections Pastor @ First Baptist Church Of Palmetto
palmetto, florida, united states

Todd Poppell's Contact Information

Todd Poppell personal email


Todd Poppell's Current Company Details

First Baptist Church Of Palmetto

Student And Connections Pastor
palmetto, florida, united states
Religious Institutions
Leading students to share the love of Christ and propelling them to a great future for God's purposes.

Todd Poppell Work Experience

    Church Planter
    Richmond, Virginia, United States
    For four years we planted churches and worked with national pastors, teaching and encouraging them to multiply their reach the Sertao areas of North East Brazil. We also worked in the beautiful cities of Maceio and Salvador partnering with local churches and association casting vision of reaching their areas.
    Student And Connections Pastor
    First Baptist Church Of Palmetto Oct 12 - Present · 12 yrs 3 mos
    Palmetto, Florida, United States
    It is a joy to work with adults who love to pour into teenagers. Care, compassion, serving and a good dose of listening is how the Upper Room Student Ministry operates. I get to lead the leaders and encourage them in their God given calling that helps each student share the love of christ with their community of influence. Welcoming new guest to our church is a huge responsibility. Each week I work and train our 100+ member First Impressions Team to make FBPalmetto the friendly place to worship in Manatee County. Show less

Todd Poppell Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Todd Poppell

What company does Todd Poppell work for?

Todd Poppell works for First Baptist Church Of Palmetto

What is Todd Poppell's role in his/her workplace?

Todd Poppell's role in his/her workplace is Student And Connections Pastor.

Which industry does Todd Poppell work in currently?

Todd Poppell works in the industry Religious Institutions.

What is Todd Poppell's email address?

Todd Poppell's email address is

What schools did Todd Poppell attend?

Todd Poppell attended Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. and The College At Southeastern.

Who are Todd Poppell's colleagues?

Todd Poppell's colleagues are Jamie Farr, Jamie Farr, Benjamin Juillerat, Benjamin Juillerat, Kathy Taylor, Kathy Taylor, and Bill Bennett. and Michelle Polly.

Who are Todd Poppell's peers at other companies?

Todd Poppell's peers at other companies are Kathleen Herington, Jovencio Jamero, Ayabulela Dlani, Tzepin Fung, Douglas Rodrigues, and Liam Poh. and Ryan Engen. Todd Poppell's peers at other companies are Kathleen Herington, Jovencio Jamero, Ayabulela Dlani, Tzepin Fung, Douglas Rodrigues, and Liam Poh. and Ryan Engen.