Tobias Born

Tobias Born Email and Phone Number

Schichtleiter @ Lufthansa
frankfurt am main, hesse, germany

Tobias Born's Current Company Details


frankfurt am main, hesse, germany

Tobias Born Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Tobias Born

What company does Tobias Born work for?

Tobias Born works for Lufthansa

What is Tobias Born's role in his/her workplace?

Tobias Born's role in his/her workplace is Schichtleiter.

Which industry does Tobias Born work in currently?

Tobias Born works in the industry Airlines/Aviation.

Who are Tobias Born's colleagues?

Tobias Born's colleagues are Vanessa Schulz, Vanessa Schulz, Augustina Tina, Augustina Tina, Mahmut Demirkiran, Mahmut Demirkiran, Kai Schleicher, Kai Schleicher, Susanne Wahls-Odeh, Susanne Wahls-Odeh, and Nicole Schlösser. and Angela Rustenbach.

Who are Tobias Born's peers at other companies?

Tobias Born's peers at other companies are Salih Güneş, Hugo Nuñez, Ramona Rotariu, Tim Kearney, Maria Hazim, and Can Yalçın. and Tania Garay. Tobias Born's peers at other companies are Salih Güneş, Hugo Nuñez, Ramona Rotariu, Tim Kearney, Maria Hazim, and Can Yalçın. and Tania Garay.