Timo Borowski Email and Phone Number
Timo Borowski's Contact Details
Timo Borowski work email
- Valid
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Timo Borowski's Current Company Details

Westfalenhallen Dortmund Gmbh
- Website:
- westfalenhallen.de
- Employees:
- 28
- Industry:
- Events Services
Timo Borowski Work Experience
Public Relations- And Online-RedakteurBildungschancen Ggmbh Dec 18 - May 19 · 5 mos
Crossmedia-VolontärAttention Media Limited Oct 11 - Jan 13 · 1 yr 3 mosExeter, Devon, United Kingdom
Junior RedakteurCelebrity News Ag Apr 13 - Oct 13 · 6 mos
Content-ManagerAutomotive Start-Up Apr 15 - Apr 16 · 1 yr
Content-ManagerWestfalenhallen Dortmund Gmbh Dec 19 - Present · 5 yrs 2 mosDortmund, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
Content-ManagerKinematics - Robotics For Children May 16 - Jun 17 · 1 yr 1 moBernau, Brandenburg, Germany
Timo Borowski Education
Bachelor Of Arts 2006 - 2010
Other Similar Profiles
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Start your free trialFrequently Asked Questions about Timo Borowski
What company does Timo Borowski work for?
Timo Borowski works for Westfalenhallen Dortmund Gmbh
What is Timo Borowski's role in his/her workplace?
Timo Borowski's role in his/her workplace is Content-Manager.
Which industry does Timo Borowski work in currently?
Timo Borowski works in the industry Events Services.
What is Timo Borowski's email address?
Timo Borowski's email address is timo.borowski@kinematicblocks.com
What is Timo Borowski's direct phone number?
Timo Borowski's direct phone number is +16469346094
What schools did Timo Borowski attend?
Timo Borowski attended Ruhr University Bochum.
What are some of Timo Borowski's interests?
Timo Borowski has interests in Sport, Sport. Mode, Mode. Musik, Musik. Reisen, Reisen. and Kultur.
What is Timo Borowski's role in his workplace?
Timo Borowski has skills like Journalism, Online Journalism, Editorial, Copy Editing, New Media, Newspapers, Blogging, Editing, News Writing, Digital Media, Storytelling, Copywriting, Final Cut Pro, Magazines, Neue Medien, Digitale Medien, Bloggen, Redaktion, Texten, and Lektorat.
Who are Timo Borowski's colleagues?
Timo Borowski's colleagues are Dominik Schön, Dominik Schön, Robin Uhlenbruch, Robin Uhlenbruch, Tim Renzing, Tim Renzing, Matthias Woort, Matthias Woort, Jörg Waclawski, Jörg Waclawski, and Bea Nöhre. and Pam Mcclane.
Who are Timo Borowski's peers at other companies?
Timo Borowski's peers at other companies are Milt Hubartt, Mackenzie Huber, Eric Smith, Max Hart, Jennifer Oliver, and Joanna Zhang. and Hayley Le Gros. Timo Borowski's peers at other companies are Milt Hubartt, Mackenzie Huber, Eric Smith, Max Hart, Jennifer Oliver, and Joanna Zhang. and Hayley Le Gros.