Timo Korhonen

Timo Korhonen Email and Phone Number

Managing Director @ Komatsu Forest Oy
pirkkala, western finland, finland

Timo Korhonen's Contact Details

Timo Korhonen work email

Timo Korhonen personal email


Timo Korhonen's Current Company Details


Komatsu Forest Oy

Managing Director
pirkkala, western finland, finland

Timo Korhonen Work Experience

Frequently Asked Questions about Timo Korhonen

What company does Timo Korhonen work for?

Timo Korhonen works for Komatsu Forest Oy

What is Timo Korhonen's role in his/her workplace?

Timo Korhonen's role in his/her workplace is Managing Director.

Which industry does Timo Korhonen work in currently?

Timo Korhonen works in the industry Accounting.

What is Timo Korhonen's email address?

Timo Korhonen's email address is timo.korhonen@komatsuforest.com

Who are Timo Korhonen's colleagues?

Timo Korhonen's colleagues are Teemu Pesonen, Teemu Pesonen, Pasi Lääninpää, Pasi Lääninpää, Pasi Lääninpää, Pasi Lääninpää, Tuula Hautala, Tuula Hautala, Eero-Matti Kleimola, Eero-Matti Kleimola, and Ari Woivalin. and Satu Härikkä.

Who are Timo Korhonen's peers at other companies?

Timo Korhonen's peers at other companies are Kristín Snorra, Lotus Swann, Gustavo Santillan, Walter Poehler, Arnulfo Garcia, and Floricel Armas. and Bonnie Berg. Timo Korhonen's peers at other companies are Kristín Snorra, Lotus Swann, Gustavo Santillan, Walter Poehler, Arnulfo Garcia, and Floricel Armas. and Bonnie Berg.