Tim Lambrighs

Tim Lambrighs Email and Phone Number

Projectmanager @ Antiques & Design Nv
geel, flanders, belgium

Tim Lambrighs's Contact Details

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Tim Lambrighs's Current Company Details


Antiques & Design Nv

geel, flanders, belgium

Tim Lambrighs Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Tim Lambrighs

What company does Tim Lambrighs work for?

Tim Lambrighs works for Antiques & Design Nv

What is Tim Lambrighs's role in his/her workplace?

Tim Lambrighs's role in his/her workplace is Projectmanager.

Which industry does Tim Lambrighs work in currently?

Tim Lambrighs works in the industry Design.

What is Tim Lambrighs's email address?

Tim Lambrighs's email address is tim@adesign.be

What schools did Tim Lambrighs attend?

Tim Lambrighs attended Hogent.

What is Tim Lambrighs's role in his/her workplace?

Tim Lambrighs has skills like Microsoft Office, Powerpoint, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Outlook, Autocad, and Photoshop.

Who are Tim Lambrighs's colleagues?

Tim Lambrighs's colleagues are Francisco Basombrio, Francisco Basombrio, Frank Santermans, Frank Santermans, Axel Blomme, Axel Blomme, Luis Ruiz, Luis Ruiz, Anneleen Van Bosch, Anneleen Van Bosch, and Lisa Burnette. and Rose Albert.

Who are Tim Lambrighs's peers at other companies?

Tim Lambrighs's peers at other companies are Clara Jannett, Mónica Escobar, Bickey Bob, Pedro Serrão, Sten Häggblom, and Dadasaheb Jadhav. and Chanel Chomse. Tim Lambrighs's peers at other companies are Clara Jannett, Mónica Escobar, Bickey Bob, Pedro Serrão, Sten Häggblom, and Dadasaheb Jadhav. and Chanel Chomse.