Thushara Gunathilaka

Thushara Gunathilaka Email and Phone Number

Quality Assurance Officer @ Rockland Distilleries (pvt) Ltd
colombo, western, sri lanka

Thushara Gunathilaka's Current Company Details

Rockland Distilleries (Pvt) Ltd

Quality Assurance Officer
colombo, western, sri lanka
Wine And Spirits

Thushara Gunathilaka Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Thushara Gunathilaka

What company does Thushara Gunathilaka work for?

Thushara Gunathilaka works for Rockland Distilleries (Pvt) Ltd

What is Thushara Gunathilaka's role in his/her workplace?

Thushara Gunathilaka's role in his/her workplace is Quality Assurance Officer.

Which industry does Thushara Gunathilaka work in currently?

Thushara Gunathilaka works in the industry Wine And Spirits.

Who are Thushara Gunathilaka's colleagues?

Thushara Gunathilaka's colleagues are Shantha Kurumbalapitiya, Shantha Kurumbalapitiya, Muditha Jayasinghe, Muditha Jayasinghe, Madusanka Singhapurage, Madusanka Singhapurage, Ramesh Kumar, Ramesh Kumar, Waruna Rupasinghe, Waruna Rupasinghe, and Graham Merricks. and Jagath Epa.

Who are Thushara Gunathilaka's peers at other companies?

Thushara Gunathilaka's peers at other companies are Demarcus Morgan, Theresa Wynecoop, Daisuke Hirata, Sam Oduor, Shaunna Nadeau, and Snjezana Novakovic. and Ian Omangi. Thushara Gunathilaka's peers at other companies are Demarcus Morgan, Theresa Wynecoop, Daisuke Hirata, Sam Oduor, Shaunna Nadeau, and Snjezana Novakovic. and Ian Omangi.