Thierry Farrugia

Thierry Farrugia Email and Phone Number

bucharest, bucuresti, romania

Thierry Farrugia's Current Company Details

Orkanger Ungdomsskole

bucharest, bucuresti, romania
Professional Training & Coaching

Thierry Farrugia Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Thierry Farrugia

What company does Thierry Farrugia work for?

Thierry Farrugia works for Orkanger Ungdomsskole

Which industry does Thierry Farrugia work in currently?

Thierry Farrugia works in the industry Professional Training & Coaching.

Who are Thierry Farrugia's peers at other companies?

Thierry Farrugia's peers at other companies are Lucy Boddy, Liz Sproat, Johana Sepulveda, Javiera Suarez, Raquel Hernández, and Monica Mendoza. and Valdemir Mizinho. Thierry Farrugia's peers at other companies are Lucy Boddy, Liz Sproat, Johana Sepulveda, Javiera Suarez, Raquel Hernández, and Monica Mendoza. and Valdemir Mizinho.