Tatiana Hernandez

Tatiana Hernandez Email and Phone Number

Asesora De Ventas @ Best Brands Corp.
minnetonka, minnesota, united states

Tatiana Hernandez's Current Company Details


Best Brands Corp.

Asesora De Ventas
minnetonka, minnesota, united states
Consumer Goods
asesora de ventas en Best Brands Corp.

Tatiana Hernandez Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Tatiana Hernandez

What company does Tatiana Hernandez work for?

Tatiana Hernandez works for Best Brands Corp.

What is Tatiana Hernandez's role in his/her workplace?

Tatiana Hernandez's role in his/her workplace is Asesora De Ventas.

Which industry does Tatiana Hernandez work in currently?

Tatiana Hernandez works in the industry Consumer Goods.

Who are Tatiana Hernandez's colleagues?

Tatiana Hernandez's colleagues are Jane Hoffman, Jane Hoffman, Richard Picard, Richard Picard, Omar Jomaa, Omar Jomaa, Luis Maldonado, Luis Maldonado, Alexey Konovalov, Alexey Konovalov, and Sparky Malecha. and Geno Harris.

Who are Tatiana Hernandez's peers at other companies?

Tatiana Hernandez's peers at other companies are Cherry Feng, Paolo Borda, Chekibe Allaoui, Andra I, Veruza Bessa, and Caitlin Turner. and Christy Fritz. Tatiana Hernandez's peers at other companies are Cherry Feng, Paolo Borda, Chekibe Allaoui, Andra I, Veruza Bessa, and Caitlin Turner. and Christy Fritz.