Tance Botelho

Tance Botelho Email and Phone Number

Sênior De Praticas, Qualidade, Seguraça E Gestão De Risco @ Hospital Albert Einstein

Tance Botelho's Current Company Details


Hospital Albert Einstein

Sênior De Praticas, Qualidade, Seguraça E Gestão De Risco
Hospital & Health Care

Tance Botelho Work Experience

Tance Botelho Education

  • einstein.br
    Centro Universitario Jorge Amado
    2008 - 2013
  • einstein.br
    Faculdade Israelita Albert Einstein
    2023 - 2024
  • einstein.br
    Faculdade Israelita Albert Einstein
  • einstein.br
    Faculdade Israelita Albert Einstein
    2014 - 2015

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Frequently Asked Questions about Tance Botelho

What company does Tance Botelho work for?

Tance Botelho works for Hospital Albert Einstein

What is Tance Botelho's role in his/her workplace?

Tance Botelho's role in his/her workplace is Sênior De Praticas, Qualidade, Seguraça E Gestão De Risco.

Which industry does Tance Botelho work in currently?

Tance Botelho works in the industry Hospital & Health Care.

What schools did Tance Botelho attend?

Tance Botelho attended Centro Universitario Jorge Amado, Centro Universitario Jorge Amado. Faculdade Israelita Albert Einstein, Faculdade Israelita Albert Einstein. Faculdade Israelita Albert Einstein, Faculdade Israelita Albert Einstein. and Faculdade Israelita Albert Einstein.

What is Tance Botelho's role in his workplace?

Tance Botelho has skills like Enfermagem, Microsoft Office, Atendimento Ao Cliente, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Pesquisa, and Microsoft Powerpoint.

Who are Tance Botelho's colleagues?

Tance Botelho's colleagues are Nathalia Simões, Nathalia Simões, Flávia Nogueira, Flávia Nogueira, Vanier Santos, Vanier Santos, Guilherme De Paiva Sousa, Guilherme De Paiva Sousa, Camila Ferreira, Camila Ferreira, and Gustavo Chagas. and Fábio Monteiro.

Who are Tance Botelho's peers at other companies?

Tance Botelho's peers at other companies are Ajp Kelly Dougan, Partryce Hunter, Grace Mills, Dorian Herceg, Michele Mccarthy, and Pille Konno. and Ashley Parent. Tance Botelho's peers at other companies are Ajp Kelly Dougan, Partryce Hunter, Grace Mills, Dorian Herceg, Michele Mccarthy, and Pille Konno. and Ashley Parent.