Suzann Burk

Suzann Burk Email and Phone Number

Director And Supervisory Regulatory Counsel @ Fda
silver spring, maryland, united states

Suzann Burk's Current Company Details


Director And Supervisory Regulatory Counsel
silver spring, maryland, united states
Government Administration

Suzann Burk Work Experience

    Research Assistant
    Pfizer Jun 94 - May 97 · 2 yrs 11 mos
    New York, New York, United States
    Director And Supervisory Regulatory Counsel
    Fda Jun 18 - Present · 6 yrs 8 mos
    Silver Spring, Maryland, United States
    Consumer Safety Officer
    Fda Jun 02 - Jun 18 · 16 yrs
    Silver Spring, Maryland, United States
    Internet and Electronic Disclosure

Suzann Burk Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Suzann Burk

What company does Suzann Burk work for?

Suzann Burk works for Fda

What is Suzann Burk's role in his/her workplace?

Suzann Burk's role in his/her workplace is Director And Supervisory Regulatory Counsel.

Which industry does Suzann Burk work in currently?

Suzann Burk works in the industry Government Administration.

What is Suzann Burk's email address?

Suzann Burk's email address is

What is Suzann Burk's direct phone number?

Suzann Burk's direct phone number is +12406263775

What schools did Suzann Burk attend?

Suzann Burk attended Central High School, Central High School. Rutgers University, Rutgers University. and James Madison University.

What are some of Suzann Burk's interests?

Suzann Burk has interest in Casinos, Casinos. Exercise, Exercise. Sweepstakes, Sweepstakes. Nascar, Nascar. Home Improvement, Home Improvement. Reading, Reading. Sports, Sports. Golf, Golf. Home Decoration, Home Decoration. Cooking, Cooking. Electronics, Electronics. Crafts, Crafts. Music, Music. Dogs, Dogs. Movies, Movies. Collecting, Collecting. Kids, Kids. Automobiles, Automobiles. Travel, Travel. Motorcycling, Motorcycling. Investing, Investing. Traveling, Traveling. and International Traavel.

Who are Suzann Burk's colleagues?

Suzann Burk's colleagues are Dongjie Chen, Dongjie Chen, Hung Le, Hung Le, Ray Chin, Ray Chin, Dale Tavris, Dale Tavris, Andy Yu, Andy Yu, and Irene Schrader. and Jacquinot Thierry.

Who are Suzann Burk's peers at other companies?

Suzann Burk's peers at other companies are Sarah Donohoe, Soomin Kim, Amie Hartman, Duane Strohman, Maria Comer, and Tamer İnan. and Ronald Roozeboom. Suzann Burk's peers at other companies are Sarah Donohoe, Soomin Kim, Amie Hartman, Duane Strohman, Maria Comer, and Tamer İnan. and Ronald Roozeboom.