Sushant Wagh

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Sushant Wagh's Current Company Details

John Deere India Pvt. Ltd. (Jdtci)

- Seasoned and Experienced Product Engineer & Development Professional with demonstrated history of accomplishments in off highway industry - 10+ years of experience in Operator station/ Cabin developments for tractors - 2+ years of global experience of working as expat in USA- Skilled in Control Ergonomic and Control Layout Planning using virtual and physical methodologies - Sound knowledge of tractor cabs and product delivery process and experience in working global cross functional teams Core Capabilities:Operator Station Development | Controls Design | Linkage Design | Control Layout | Structural Design | Ergonomics | Vehicle Integration | NPD | VE/VI | GD&T | Tolerance Stacks | DFM | DFMEA | PV&V Plans | Customer Reviews | Build Support | Team Mentoring | Sheet Metal Design | Global Cross Functional Collaboration | Passionate Innovator | PPAP | DPAR | Creo | Jack | Ansys Workbench | WindchIll | SAP

Sushant Wagh Work Experience

Sushant Wagh Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Sushant Wagh

What company does Sushant Wagh work for?

Sushant Wagh works for John Deere India Pvt. Ltd. (Jdtci)

What is Sushant Wagh's role in his/her workplace?

Sushant Wagh's role in his/her workplace is Manager.

Which industry does Sushant Wagh work in currently?

Sushant Wagh works in the industry Farming.

What is Sushant Wagh's email address?

Sushant Wagh's email address is

What schools did Sushant Wagh attend?

Sushant Wagh attended College Of Engineering Pune, College Of Engineering Pune. and College Of Engineering Pune.

Who are Sushant Wagh's colleagues?

Sushant Wagh's colleagues are Lekh Raj, Lekh Raj, Suyash Chhatre, Suyash Chhatre, Raj Sisodia, Raj Sisodia, Mahesh Mohol, Mahesh Mohol, Abhay Deshpande, Abhay Deshpande, and Naman Taneja. and Nitin Thukral.

Who are Sushant Wagh's peers at other companies?

Sushant Wagh's peers at other companies are Lorne Letkeman, Isabela Flores, Pieter Stox, Tuyikunde Jackson, Sergio Júnior, and Carlos Soldá. and Geoffrey Nyandoro. Sushant Wagh's peers at other companies are Lorne Letkeman, Isabela Flores, Pieter Stox, Tuyikunde Jackson, Sergio Júnior, and Carlos Soldá. and Geoffrey Nyandoro.