Sushant Pal

Sushant Pal Email and Phone Number

Sushant Pal's Current Company Details

Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited

Oil & Energy

Sushant Pal Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Sushant Pal

What company does Sushant Pal work for?

Sushant Pal works for Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited

What is Sushant Pal's role in his/her workplace?

Sushant Pal's role in his/her workplace is Vendor.

Which industry does Sushant Pal work in currently?

Sushant Pal works in the industry Oil & Energy.

Who are Sushant Pal's colleagues?

Sushant Pal's colleagues are Shivam Wahi, Shivam Wahi, Jayanta Roy, Jayanta Roy, Abhishek Rastogi, Abhishek Rastogi, Mallesh Yadav, Mallesh Yadav, Manoj Bakshi, Manoj Bakshi, and Kuldip Rajput. and Rahul Kamble.

Who are Sushant Pal's peers at other companies?

Sushant Pal's peers at other companies are Saeed Hemmatian, Jeevan Gowdaa, Jude Broussard, José Correia, Dileep Krishnan, and Timothy Anderson. and Cody Williams. Sushant Pal's peers at other companies are Saeed Hemmatian, Jeevan Gowdaa, Jude Broussard, José Correia, Dileep Krishnan, and Timothy Anderson. and Cody Williams.