Susan Cullen

Susan Cullen Email and Phone Number

Susan Cullen's Current Company Details

University Of Brighton And Brighton And Sussex Medical School (Bsms)

Registered Nurse
Higher Education

Susan Cullen Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Susan Cullen

What company does Susan Cullen work for?

Susan Cullen works for University Of Brighton And Brighton And Sussex Medical School (Bsms)

What is Susan Cullen's role in his/her workplace?

Susan Cullen's role in his/her workplace is Registered Nurse.

Which industry does Susan Cullen work in currently?

Susan Cullen works in the industry Higher Education.

Who are Susan Cullen's colleagues?

Susan Cullen's colleagues are Katy Fidler, Katy Fidler, Greg Neate, Greg Neate, Cian Ow, Cian Ow, Sonia Khan, Sonia Khan, Annette Shelford, Annette Shelford, and Clare Parker. and Peter Frostp.

Who are Susan Cullen's peers at other companies?

Susan Cullen's peers at other companies are Hailey W, Dan Brogan, Leo Verhoeven, Joseph Hopkins, Kali Winters, and Patrick O'regan. and Jeroen Winkels. Susan Cullen's peers at other companies are Hailey W, Dan Brogan, Leo Verhoeven, Joseph Hopkins, Kali Winters, and Patrick O'regan. and Jeroen Winkels.