Susan Cullen

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chicago, illinois, united states

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Susan Cullen's Current Company Details

Jane Addams Hull House Association

Program Director
chicago, illinois, united states
Non-Profit Organization Management
My professional experience is quite diversified. I have worked in management, but I also have been a case manager on the front lines. I have conducted multiple presentations in various parts of the country on the subjects of wards of the court and Independent Living. Most recently, my presentations have been on homelessness and the forgotten population (adolescents). In addition, in March 2011, I was awarded the SAGE Award on behalf of the work accomplished by the Homeless Youth Emerge Program, and for the work that I personally accomplished in the Chicago communities. Only six women were awarded the SAGE award. I humbly accepted the award given by the Commission on Human Rights and the Mayor of Chicago. On December 4, 2013, I was a part of the Oprah Life Class held at the Harpo Studio. Specialties: Fundraising Restaurant Owner Public Relations and Branding Expertise Teacher Psychotherapist/Private Practice in Chicago, Illinois Implementing Programs that serve the homeless, the less fortunate, and the under-served populations. Clinical Expert Witness

Susan Cullen Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Susan Cullen

What company does Susan Cullen work for?

Susan Cullen works for Jane Addams Hull House Association

What is Susan Cullen's role in his/her workplace?

Susan Cullen's role in his/her workplace is Program Director.

Which industry does Susan Cullen work in currently?

Susan Cullen works in the industry Non-Profit Organization Management.

What is Susan Cullen's email address?

Susan Cullen's email address is

What is Susan Cullen's direct phone number?

Susan Cullen's direct phone number is +13122087383

What schools did Susan Cullen attend?

Susan Cullen attended Walden University, Walden University. National Louis University, National Louis University. and Aurora University.

What are some of Susan Cullen's interests?

Susan Cullen has interest in In Poverty, In Poverty. Children, Children. Need Technology In Their Classrooms, Need Technology In Their Classrooms. Civil Rights And Social Action, Civil Rights And Social Action. Environment, Environment. Education, Education. Poverty Alleviation, Poverty Alleviation. Therefore, Therefore. Learning And Innovation, Learning And Innovation. and Human Rights.

Who are Susan Cullen's peers at other companies?

Susan Cullen's peers at other companies are Renee Geluk, Pat Magroin, Lulu Roberts, Andressa Gonzalez, Faisal Mehmood, and Karunakar Pradhan. and Carla Guariglia. Susan Cullen's peers at other companies are Renee Geluk, Pat Magroin, Lulu Roberts, Andressa Gonzalez, Faisal Mehmood, and Karunakar Pradhan. and Carla Guariglia.