Sunil Sahoo

Sunil Sahoo Email and Phone Number


Sunil Sahoo's Current Company Details

Neelachal Ispat Nigam Limited

Team Leader
Mining & Metals

Sunil Sahoo Work Experience

Sunil Sahoo Education

    Utkal University
    Bachelors 2010-05 - 2013

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Frequently Asked Questions about Sunil Sahoo

What company does Sunil Sahoo work for?

Sunil Sahoo works for Neelachal Ispat Nigam Limited

What is Sunil Sahoo's role in his/her workplace?

Sunil Sahoo's role in his/her workplace is Team Leader.

Which industry does Sunil Sahoo work in currently?

Sunil Sahoo works in the industry Mining & Metals.

What schools did Sunil Sahoo attend?

Sunil Sahoo attended Utkal University.

Who are Sunil Sahoo's colleagues?

Sunil Sahoo's colleagues are Deepak Acharya, Deepak Acharya, Sanjoy Nandi, Sanjoy Nandi, Pradipta Mishra, Pradipta Mishra, Debashis Sahoo, Debashis Sahoo, Rohit Gupta, Rohit Gupta, and Nishant Tapas. and Sanjaya Behera.

Who are Sunil Sahoo's peers at other companies?

Sunil Sahoo's peers at other companies are Josmayanto Tobing, Katrina James, Jose Morales, Luke Olson, Nugroho Pangestu, and Chris Balzer. and Alex Kaderi. Sunil Sahoo's peers at other companies are Josmayanto Tobing, Katrina James, Jose Morales, Luke Olson, Nugroho Pangestu, and Chris Balzer. and Alex Kaderi.