Suleman Shaik

Suleman Shaik Email and Phone Number

Carpenter @ 1callfix Solutoins
nellore, andhra pradesh, india

Suleman Shaik's Current Company Details

1Callfix Solutoins

nellore, andhra pradesh, india
Facilities Services

Suleman Shaik Work Experience

Suleman Shaik Education

    Government School
    2000 - 2000

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Frequently Asked Questions about Suleman Shaik

What company does Suleman Shaik work for?

Suleman Shaik works for 1callfix Solutoins

What is Suleman Shaik's role in his/her workplace?

Suleman Shaik's role in his/her workplace is Carpenter.

Which industry does Suleman Shaik work in currently?

Suleman Shaik works in the industry Facilities Services.

What schools did Suleman Shaik attend?

Suleman Shaik attended Government School.

Who are Suleman Shaik's colleagues?

Suleman Shaik's colleagues are and Sk Nadeem. and Imran Mohammad.

Who are Suleman Shaik's peers at other companies?

Suleman Shaik's peers at other companies are Scott Bolinda, Colin Pollock, Gloria Mendez, Wesley Verhaeghe, Ginger Nase, and Yamirt Santivañez. and Greg Lush. Suleman Shaik's peers at other companies are Scott Bolinda, Colin Pollock, Gloria Mendez, Wesley Verhaeghe, Ginger Nase, and Yamirt Santivañez. and Greg Lush.