Sue Avery

Sue Avery Email and Phone Number

Director @ Rd Avery Ltd
county of wiltshire, wiltshire, united kingdom

Sue Avery's Contact Details

Sue Avery work email

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Sue Avery's Current Company Details

Rd Avery Ltd

county of wiltshire, wiltshire, united kingdom
Joint Partner with husband Ray Avery of RD Avery (Motor Engineers) founded January 1983 which became a limited company in 2003 - now RD Avery Ltd. Experience in building a successful family business and retaining long term staff through good core values which are upheld throughout the business. Now in the process of handing over the reins to valued long term staff and family members to take the business forward into the future.

Sue Avery Work Experience

    House Of Flowers 1975 - 1980 · 5 yrs
    Stowmarket, Suffolk, United Kingdom
    Secretary to RJ O'Donnell
    Devilbiss Automotive Refinishing Aug 72 - May 75 · 2 yrs 9 mos
    Trainee Secretary to Managing Director T S Monkcom
    Rd Avery Ltd 1983 - Present · 42 yrs 1 mo
    United Kingdom
    Owner/Director with Ray Avery

Sue Avery Education

    Ferndown Secondary School
    1965 - 1970
    Poole Technical College
    1970 - 1972

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Frequently Asked Questions about Sue Avery

What company does Sue Avery work for?

Sue Avery works for Rd Avery Ltd

What is Sue Avery's role in his/her workplace?

Sue Avery's role in his/her workplace is Director.

Which industry does Sue Avery work in currently?

Sue Avery works in the industry Automotive.

What is Sue Avery's email address?

Sue Avery's email address is

What schools did Sue Avery attend?

Sue Avery attended Ferndown Secondary School, Ferndown Secondary School. and Poole Technical College.

Who are Sue Avery's colleagues?

Sue Avery's colleagues are and Colin Ryan. and Cassie Salisbury.

Who are Sue Avery's peers at other companies?

Sue Avery's peers at other companies are Oshin Moras, Adapa Chand, Guadalupe Villafaña, Barry Dunn, Beom-Jae Kim, and Walter Jurgens. and Ilias Kaforos. Sue Avery's peers at other companies are Oshin Moras, Adapa Chand, Guadalupe Villafaña, Barry Dunn, Beom-Jae Kim, and Walter Jurgens. and Ilias Kaforos.