Sue Avery

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Sue Avery's Current Company Details

Local Government Improvement And Development (Lgid)

Human Resources

Sue Avery Work Experience

    Change Manager
    Madrid, Spain
    * One of a three person team representing the Chief Executive in delivery of the All Change for Wakefield programme, leading to the . Council moving from CPA ‘poor’ to ‘4 star’ in future years. Specific responsibility for organisational development and cultural change. * Close liaison with IDeA on several capacity building initiatives * Overall co-ordination of Management Conferences for the top 100 managers and introduction of appraisal and tailored management development for the top 400 managers Show less
    Improvement Manager
    Delivering improvement support to Councils across the UK, particularly in the North East and Yorkshire and the Humber Creating and maintaining networks of senior managers across Y and H including a senior women’s network for Directors and Chief Officers, and accelerated improvement consortia for planning and street cleansing One of two leading peer review managers in the Agency, managing teams comprising Council Leaders and top level managers from local government, health service, police and fire services, third sector and the business community. Frequently requested to deliver particularly challenging reviews in struggling councils prior to their CPA and consistently receiving top level feedback for both personal and team performance. Show less
    Senior Improvement Manager
    * Member of the management team for Improvement Services, responsible for a workforce of 60 consultants and 15 project support officers, delivering support and challenge to Councils and their partners across the UK. Personal responsibility for people management * Proven track record of leading and motivating a dynamic team of home based improvement managers, managing staff communications and leading regular practice events for the service * Leading the allocation of all client work to team members considering skill, experience, location and availability * Responsible for managing the training budget and for the service’s pivotal contribution to IDeA attaining IiP at Silver level * Leading on the development and client delivery of organisational development and people management products * Managing peer reviews including corporate, healthy communities, and people management Show less

Sue Avery Education

    Brighton Polytechnic
    1973 - 1976

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Frequently Asked Questions about Sue Avery

What company does Sue Avery work for?

Sue Avery works for Local Government Improvement And Development (Lgid)

Which industry does Sue Avery work in currently?

Sue Avery works in the industry Human Resources.

What is Sue Avery's email address?

Sue Avery's email address is

What schools did Sue Avery attend?

Sue Avery attended Brighton Polytechnic.

Who are Sue Avery's colleagues?

Sue Avery's colleagues are Vincienne George, Vincienne George, and Sue Keown. and Liz Cole.

Who are Sue Avery's peers at other companies?

Sue Avery's peers at other companies are Jaqueline Guimarães, Simone Wilson, Jeannette Medema, Gianne Wijn, María López, and Prisca Buysmans. and Roger Greoles. Sue Avery's peers at other companies are Jaqueline Guimarães, Simone Wilson, Jeannette Medema, Gianne Wijn, María López, and Prisca Buysmans. and Roger Greoles.