Steve Knight

Steve Knight Email and Phone Number

washington, district of columbia, united states

Steve Knight's Contact Information

Steve Knight personal email


Steve Knight phone numbers

Steve Knight's Current Company Details

David M. Schwarz Architects

washington, district of columbia, united states
Architecture & Planning

Steve Knight Work Experience

    Hayes Howell Architects 1993 - 1994 · 1 yr
    Anderson Architecture 1991 - 1993 · 2 yrs
    Chippendale, New South Wales, Australia
    David M. Schwarz Architects Jul 97 - Present · 27 yrs 6 mos
    Washington, District Of Columbia, United States
    * I am a Principal and Project Manager. I work primarily on mixed use and performing arts centers. Projects include: West Village in Dallas, TX * Schermerhorn Symphony Center in Nashville, TN * The Palladium in Carmel, IN * The Smith Center in Las Vega, NV * The Gaillard Center in Charleston, SC * A mixed use project for Chevy Chase Lake, MD * Residential Colleges at Vanderbilt University * The Orion Amphitheater, Huntsville, Alabama

Steve Knight Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Steve Knight

What company does Steve Knight work for?

Steve Knight works for David M. Schwarz Architects

What is Steve Knight's role in his/her workplace?

Steve Knight's role in his/her workplace is Principal.

Which industry does Steve Knight work in currently?

Steve Knight works in the industry Architecture & Planning.

What is Steve Knight's email address?

Steve Knight's email address is

What is Steve Knight's direct phone number?

Steve Knight's direct phone number is +13014485613

What schools did Steve Knight attend?

Steve Knight attended North Carolina State University, North Carolina State University. and University Of North Carolina At Charlotte.

What is Steve Knight's role in his workplace?

Steve Knight has skills like Architectural Design, Mixed Use, Architectural Drawings, Adaptive Reuse, Design Research, Sustainable Design, Urban Design, Submittals, and Comprehensive Planning.

Who are Steve Knight's colleagues?

Steve Knight's colleagues are Maytham Alghaffari, Maytham Alghaffari, Liani Richardson, Liani Richardson, D George Fillion, D George Fillion, Markus Hongmanivanh, Markus Hongmanivanh, Danielle Corbin, Danielle Corbin, and Tommy Vince. and Dallas Chavez.

Who are Steve Knight's peers at other companies?

Steve Knight's peers at other companies are John Doe, Nicholas O'keeffe, Marsil Zarif, Stephen Howard, Lucia Sancha, and Franck Anderson. and Alana Cordy. Steve Knight's peers at other companies are John Doe, Nicholas O'keeffe, Marsil Zarif, Stephen Howard, Lucia Sancha, and Franck Anderson. and Alana Cordy.