Stephanie Schmidt

Stephanie Schmidt Email and Phone Number

Mental Health Practitioner @ Minnesota Adult And Teen Challenge
minneapolis, minnesota, united states

Stephanie Schmidt's Current Company Details

Minnesota Adult And Teen Challenge

Mental Health Practitioner
minneapolis, minnesota, united states
Medical Practice
I'm currently working towards getting my Master's in Clinical Mental Health Counseling and an Addiction Counseling Certificate. I've mostly worked as a Direct Support Professional in a few different settings. I've worked with individuals with a variety of diagnoses and have enjoyed the challenges that provides. I am very organized and do my best to stay on top of or ahead of deadlines. Most people say they find me easy to talk to and helpful. I help out where I can, when I can, but I am also aware of my own limits and needs so as to not get burned out. I currently have a very flexible schedule that fluctuates as needed and would like something a bit more stable/steady. I value hard work and am a fast-learner. I am always punctual. I strongly believe that when I am "on the clock", I need to be working. I've had some good experiences with some amazing supervisors and some experiences with not so great supervisors. This has helped teach me how to better supervise others as well as shown me what need in a supervisor.

Stephanie Schmidt Work Experience

Stephanie Schmidt Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Stephanie Schmidt

What company does Stephanie Schmidt work for?

Stephanie Schmidt works for Minnesota Adult And Teen Challenge

What is Stephanie Schmidt's role in his/her workplace?

Stephanie Schmidt's role in his/her workplace is Mental Health Practitioner.

Which industry does Stephanie Schmidt work in currently?

Stephanie Schmidt works in the industry Medical Practice.

What schools did Stephanie Schmidt attend?

Stephanie Schmidt attended Winona State University, Winona State University. and Viterbo University.

What is Stephanie Schmidt's role in his workplace?

Stephanie Schmidt has skills like Mental Health, Public Speaking, Psychology, Microsoft Office, and Organization Skills.