Stmartin Andree

Stmartin Andree Email and Phone Number

Service Delivery Coordinator @ Zayo Group
boulder, colorado, united states

Stmartin Andree's Current Company Details

Zayo Group

Service Delivery Coordinator
boulder, colorado, united states

Stmartin Andree Work Experience

    Service Delivery Coordinator
    Zayo Group Jun 17 - Present · 7 yrs 8 mos
    Boulder, Colorado, United States

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Frequently Asked Questions about Stmartin Andree

What company does Stmartin Andree work for?

Stmartin Andree works for Zayo Group

What is Stmartin Andree's role in his/her workplace?

Stmartin Andree's role in his/her workplace is Service Delivery Coordinator.

Which industry does Stmartin Andree work in currently?

Stmartin Andree works in the industry Telecommunications.

What is Stmartin Andree's role in his/her workplace?

Stmartin Andree has skills like Microsoft Office, Customer Service, Microsoft Excel, Leadership, Microsoft Word, Research, Powerpoint, Public Speaking, Social Media, and Marketing.

Who are Stmartin Andree's colleagues?

Stmartin Andree's colleagues are Rose Guaragna, Rose Guaragna, Mark Smith, Mark Smith, Bonnie Peterson, Bonnie Peterson, Alex Sprague, Alex Sprague, Davis Vreeland, Davis Vreeland, and Michael Gates. and Eleni Taylor.

Who are Stmartin Andree's peers at other companies?

Stmartin Andree's peers at other companies are Roger Warner, Jens Henschel, Derifa Ngoshi, Karim Eltawansy, Rajesh Pandey, and Kali Srivastava. and Andrei Rotaru. Stmartin Andree's peers at other companies are Roger Warner, Jens Henschel, Derifa Ngoshi, Karim Eltawansy, Rajesh Pandey, and Kali Srivastava. and Andrei Rotaru.