Srdjan Mamuzic

Srdjan Mamuzic Email and Phone Number

Machine Adjuster @ Motorenwerke
bremerhaven, bremen, germany

Srdjan Mamuzic's Current Company Details


Machine Adjuster
bremerhaven, bremen, germany
Electrical/electronic Manufacturing
I work for an Austrian company named Motorenweke in Subotica. I work as an machine adjuster, most of the time i do mechanic repairs and maintenance of the machines. Good knowing in hydraulics and pneumatics. I know a little bit in the field of electricity as well.

Srdjan Mamuzic Work Experience

    Machine Adjuster
    Motorenwerke Feb 17 - Present · 8 yrs
    Bremerhaven, Bremen, Germany

Frequently Asked Questions about Srdjan Mamuzic

What company does Srdjan Mamuzic work for?

Srdjan Mamuzic works for Motorenwerke

What is Srdjan Mamuzic's role in his/her workplace?

Srdjan Mamuzic's role in his/her workplace is Machine Adjuster.

Which industry does Srdjan Mamuzic work in currently?

Srdjan Mamuzic works in the industry Electrical/Electronic Manufacturing.

Who are Srdjan Mamuzic's colleagues?

Srdjan Mamuzic's colleagues are Nemanja Gligovic, Nemanja Gligovic, Goran Mandaric, Goran Mandaric, Stefan Zvekan, Stefan Zvekan, Sabina Tot, Sabina Tot, Marko Rajnovic, Marko Rajnovic, and Sasa Spasic. and Slobodan Kopunovic.

Who are Srdjan Mamuzic's peers at other companies?

Srdjan Mamuzic's peers at other companies are Roman Berger, Gustinelli Marc, Patrice Rault, David Pedroza, Trudi Overmars, and Song Du. and Roy Derksen. Srdjan Mamuzic's peers at other companies are Roman Berger, Gustinelli Marc, Patrice Rault, David Pedroza, Trudi Overmars, and Song Du. and Roy Derksen.