Sowndarya S

Sowndarya S Email and Phone Number

Senior Cca @ Louis Philippe
bengaluru, karnataka, india

Sowndarya S's Current Company Details

Louis Philippe

Senior Cca
bengaluru, karnataka, india
Apparel & Fashion

Sowndarya S Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Sowndarya S

What company does Sowndarya S work for?

Sowndarya S works for Louis Philippe

What is Sowndarya S's role in his/her workplace?

Sowndarya S's role in his/her workplace is Senior Cca.

Which industry does Sowndarya S work in currently?

Sowndarya S works in the industry Apparel & Fashion.

Who are Sowndarya S's colleagues?

Sowndarya S's colleagues are Srikanth Guggilla, Srikanth Guggilla, Murali V, Murali V, Bharat Chopra, Bharat Chopra, Deepak Sahoo, Deepak Sahoo, Kundan Kumar, Kundan Kumar, and Pavan Suvarna. and Sheryfa Mami.

Who are Sowndarya S's peers at other companies?

Sowndarya S's peers at other companies are Amy-Marie King, Cleideane Rodrigues, Wendy Smouse, Molly Moore, Ai I, and Michael Landes. and Daiana Arias. Sowndarya S's peers at other companies are Amy-Marie King, Cleideane Rodrigues, Wendy Smouse, Molly Moore, Ai I, and Michael Landes. and Daiana Arias.