Sourav Acharyya

Sourav Acharyya Email and Phone Number

Assistant Engineer @ Rashmi Cement Limited
calcutta, west bengal, india

Sourav Acharyya's Current Company Details

Rashmi Cement Limited

Assistant Engineer
calcutta, west bengal, india
Building Materials

Sourav Acharyya Work Experience

Sourav Acharyya Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Sourav Acharyya

What company does Sourav Acharyya work for?

Sourav Acharyya works for Rashmi Cement Limited

What is Sourav Acharyya's role in his/her workplace?

Sourav Acharyya's role in his/her workplace is Assistant Engineer.

Which industry does Sourav Acharyya work in currently?

Sourav Acharyya works in the industry Building Materials.

What schools did Sourav Acharyya attend?

Sourav Acharyya attended Sabita Devi Education Trust, Brainware Group Of Institutions 270.