Sonia Possentini

Sonia Possentini Email and Phone Number

Freelance Illustrator @ Imprenditore Di Me Stesso

Sonia Possentini's Current Company Details

Imprenditore Di Me Stesso

Freelance Illustrator
Investment Banking

Sonia Possentini Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Sonia Possentini

What company does Sonia Possentini work for?

Sonia Possentini works for Imprenditore Di Me Stesso

What is Sonia Possentini's role in his/her workplace?

Sonia Possentini's role in his/her workplace is Freelance Illustrator.

Which industry does Sonia Possentini work in currently?

Sonia Possentini works in the industry Investment Banking.

Who are Sonia Possentini's colleagues?

Sonia Possentini's colleagues are Ilaria Di Marzio, Ilaria Di Marzio, Massimiliano Mosetti, Massimiliano Mosetti, Carmelo Occhiuto, Carmelo Occhiuto, Eleonora Bellucci, Eleonora Bellucci, Patrizia Martella, Patrizia Martella, and Simone Auddino. and Simone Franzan.

Who are Sonia Possentini's peers at other companies?

Sonia Possentini's peers at other companies are Sean Choi, Wahid Choudhury, Saurabh Kulshrestha, Mary Galluccu, Idris Quadri, and Toshiaki Tanaka. and Santosh Babu. Sonia Possentini's peers at other companies are Sean Choi, Wahid Choudhury, Saurabh Kulshrestha, Mary Galluccu, Idris Quadri, and Toshiaki Tanaka. and Santosh Babu.