Songyue Tian

Songyue Tian Email and Phone Number

Intermediate Accountant A And A @ Bdo Canada
toronto, ontario, canada

Songyue Tian's Current Company Details

Bdo Canada

Intermediate Accountant A And A
toronto, ontario, canada

Songyue Tian Work Experience

    Intermediate Accountant A And A
    Toronto, Ontario, Canada

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Frequently Asked Questions about Songyue Tian

What company does Songyue Tian work for?

Songyue Tian works for Bdo Canada

What is Songyue Tian's role in his/her workplace?

Songyue Tian's role in his/her workplace is Intermediate Accountant A And A.

Which industry does Songyue Tian work in currently?

Songyue Tian works in the industry Accounting.

Who are Songyue Tian's colleagues?

Songyue Tian's colleagues are Mika Davletova, Mika Davletova, Brian Clarence, Brian Clarence, Casey Kooyman, Casey Kooyman, Ken Ficocelli, Ken Ficocelli, Jacob Taylor, Jacob Taylor, and Sabah S. and Alicia Macisaac.

Who are Songyue Tian's peers at other companies?

Songyue Tian's peers at other companies are Kristen Burtt, Sandrine Gauthier, Michael Scannella, Alexandra Witzel, Chi Chung, and Hamza Sabir. and Aquillah Rhea. Songyue Tian's peers at other companies are Kristen Burtt, Sandrine Gauthier, Michael Scannella, Alexandra Witzel, Chi Chung, and Hamza Sabir. and Aquillah Rhea.