Sofia Andersson

Sofia Andersson Email and Phone Number

Förskolepedagog @ Botkyrka Kommun
tumba, stockholm, sweden

Sofia Andersson's Current Company Details

Botkyrka Kommun

tumba, stockholm, sweden
Government Administration

Sofia Andersson Work Experience

Sofia Andersson Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Sofia Andersson

What company does Sofia Andersson work for?

Sofia Andersson works for Botkyrka Kommun

What is Sofia Andersson's role in his/her workplace?

Sofia Andersson's role in his/her workplace is Förskolepedagog.

Which industry does Sofia Andersson work in currently?

Sofia Andersson works in the industry Government Administration.

What schools did Sofia Andersson attend?

Sofia Andersson attended Didaktus Skolor Ab, Didaktus Skolor Ab. and Kristianstad University.

Who are Sofia Andersson's colleagues?

Sofia Andersson's colleagues are Johanna Elomaa, Johanna Elomaa, Diana Hermez, Diana Hermez, Kajsa Bergman, Kajsa Bergman, Avesta Mahmoud, Avesta Mahmoud, Suna Kucukgöl, Suna Kucukgöl, and Gabriella Barsom. and Therese Norrmén.

Who are Sofia Andersson's peers at other companies?

Sofia Andersson's peers at other companies are Lilia Moralespiggy, Espaço Sonoro, Pieter Fourie, Ursula Paturel, David Jobard, and Kirsten Ledington. and Tom Horness. Sofia Andersson's peers at other companies are Lilia Moralespiggy, Espaço Sonoro, Pieter Fourie, Ursula Paturel, David Jobard, and Kirsten Ledington. and Tom Horness.