Sk Shelt

Sk Shelt Email and Phone Number

Senior Manager @ Pwc
new york, new york, united states

Sk Shelt's Current Company Details


Senior Manager
new york, new york, united states
Senior manager at PwC

Sk Shelt Work Experience

    Senior Manager
    New York, New York, United States

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Frequently Asked Questions about Sk Shelt

What company does Sk Shelt work for?

Sk Shelt works for Pwc

What is Sk Shelt's role in his/her workplace?

Sk Shelt's role in his/her workplace is Senior Manager.

Which industry does Sk Shelt work in currently?

Sk Shelt works in the industry Accounting.

Who are Sk Shelt's colleagues?

Sk Shelt's colleagues are Heather Bateman, Heather Bateman, Shih-Han Lin, Shih-Han Lin, Krista Bledsoe, Krista Bledsoe, Pauline Shock, Pauline Shock, Kenei Gumaru, Kenei Gumaru, and Gema Queralt. and Subhadip Nandy.

Who are Sk Shelt's peers at other companies?

Sk Shelt's peers at other companies are Hesham Abdelaziz, Laís Sousa, Kenneth Waldrop, Roar Solberg, Naseer Alam, and Niranjan Reddy. and George Bistline. Sk Shelt's peers at other companies are Hesham Abdelaziz, Laís Sousa, Kenneth Waldrop, Roar Solberg, Naseer Alam, and Niranjan Reddy. and George Bistline.