Silke Eltges

Silke Eltges Email and Phone Number

Controller @ Miltenyi Biotec
bergisch gladbach, nordrhein-westfalen, germany

Silke Eltges's Current Company Details

Miltenyi Biotec

bergisch gladbach, nordrhein-westfalen, germany

Silke Eltges Work Experience

    Miltenyi Biotec Oct 16 - Present · 8 yrs 4 mos
    Bergisch Gladbach, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

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Frequently Asked Questions about Silke Eltges

What company does Silke Eltges work for?

Silke Eltges works for Miltenyi Biotec

What is Silke Eltges's role in his/her workplace?

Silke Eltges's role in his/her workplace is Controller.

Which industry does Silke Eltges work in currently?

Silke Eltges works in the industry Biotechnology.

Who are Silke Eltges's colleagues?

Silke Eltges's colleagues are Sue Stobing, Sue Stobing, Pascal Hof, Pascal Hof, Cyrill Quester, Cyrill Quester, Christin Tischner, Christin Tischner, Ryan Farrell, Ryan Farrell, and Simi Antony. and Vikas Jangid.

Who are Silke Eltges's peers at other companies?

Silke Eltges's peers at other companies are Avijit Duary, Al Jarumbo, Burt Raymond, Louisana Lee, Samantha Sabatini, and Angelica Tam. and Annika Morrison. Silke Eltges's peers at other companies are Avijit Duary, Al Jarumbo, Burt Raymond, Louisana Lee, Samantha Sabatini, and Angelica Tam. and Annika Morrison.