Sikke Born

Sikke Born Email and Phone Number

Research And Development Engineer @ Dt Dijkstra - Emmeloord (nl)
emmeloord, flevoland, netherlands

Sikke Born's Contact Details

Sikke Born personal email

Sikke Born's Current Company Details

Dt Dijkstra - Emmeloord (Nl)

Research And Development Engineer
emmeloord, flevoland, netherlands

Sikke Born Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Sikke Born

What company does Sikke Born work for?

Sikke Born works for Dt Dijkstra - Emmeloord (Nl)

What is Sikke Born's role in his/her workplace?

Sikke Born's role in his/her workplace is Research And Development Engineer.

Which industry does Sikke Born work in currently?

Sikke Born works in the industry Machinery.

What is Sikke Born's email address?

Sikke Born's email address is

Who are Sikke Born's colleagues?

Sikke Born's colleagues are Jorrit Jansen, Jorrit Jansen, Auke Brakels, Auke Brakels, Jaap Heijboer, Jaap Heijboer, Mart Van Aart, Mart Van Aart, Marcel Ruesink, Marcel Ruesink, and Albert Koffeman. and Peter-Paul Van De Kraats.

Who are Sikke Born's peers at other companies?

Sikke Born's peers at other companies are Sima Mergl, Ashok Reddy, Stephon Jones, Hubert Sowa, Mia Liiu, and Delphine Lefevre. and Joseph Semann. Sikke Born's peers at other companies are Sima Mergl, Ashok Reddy, Stephon Jones, Hubert Sowa, Mia Liiu, and Delphine Lefevre. and Joseph Semann.