Sherri Vigil

Sherri Vigil Email and Phone Number

Medical Only Examiner @ Corvel Corporation
irvine, california, united states

Sherri Vigil's Contact Information

Sherri Vigil work email

Sherri Vigil personal email


Sherri Vigil's Current Company Details

Corvel Corporation

Medical Only Examiner
irvine, california, united states

Sherri Vigil Work Experience

    Medical Only Adjuster
    Sedgwick Jan 15 - Sep 21 · 6 yrs 8 mos
    Memphis, Tennessee, United States
    Medical Only Examiner
    Corvel Corporation Oct 21 - Present · 3 yrs 3 mos
    Irvine, California, United States
    Claims Assistant
    York Risk 2001 - 2013 · 12 yrs
    Jersey City, New Jersey, United States
    * ⦁ Excel spreadsheets * ⦁ Meticulous attention to detail * ⦁ Results-oriented * ⦁ Self-directed * ⦁ Time management * ⦁ Windows Proficient * ⦁ Familiar with workers compensation statutes * ⦁ Knowlegable with medical and legal terminology * ⦁ Familiar with Self-Administered Workers' Compensaation claims handling and Third party Administrator
    Claims Assistant
    Intercare Insurance Services Feb 14 - Aug 15 · 1 yr 6 mos
    Rocklin, California, United States
    * ⦁ Document file notes with pertinent information * ⦁ Issue benefit checks and DWC notices * ⦁ Prepare correspondence as directed * ⦁ Copy and file work as requested * ⦁ Communicate with medical providers * ⦁ File and serve files to the Insurance Carrier * ⦁ File and Serve legal and medical documents to the board * ⦁ Review and mail letters to clients * ⦁ Excellent customer service * ⦁ Prepare medicals to send to Maximus * ⦁ Respond to client requests

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Frequently Asked Questions about Sherri Vigil

What company does Sherri Vigil work for?

Sherri Vigil works for Corvel Corporation

What is Sherri Vigil's role in his/her workplace?

Sherri Vigil's role in his/her workplace is Medical Only Examiner.

Which industry does Sherri Vigil work in currently?

Sherri Vigil works in the industry Insurance.

What is Sherri Vigil's email address?

Sherri Vigil's email address is

What is Sherri Vigil's role in his workplace?

Sherri Vigil has skills like

Who are Sherri Vigil's colleagues?

Sherri Vigil's colleagues are Johnson Kari, Johnson Kari, Anne White, Anne White, Martha Ramirez, Martha Ramirez, Aimee Dempsey, Aimee Dempsey, Valeria Tuhy, Valeria Tuhy, and Misti Clayton. and Charlotte Robbins.

Who are Sherri Vigil's peers at other companies?

Sherri Vigil's peers at other companies are Sierra Newcomb, Terry Burke, Ann Ravaschio, Hana Al Oraifi, Nazrul Bin Ab Hamid, and Joselyn Del. and Antoni Krzewski. Sherri Vigil's peers at other companies are Sierra Newcomb, Terry Burke, Ann Ravaschio, Hana Al Oraifi, Nazrul Bin Ab Hamid, and Joselyn Del. and Antoni Krzewski.