Shelley Osborn

Shelley Osborn Email and Phone Number

monroe, louisiana, united states

Shelley Osborn's Contact Details

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Shelley Osborn's Current Company Details

Monroe Telco Federal Credit Un

Branch Manager
monroe, louisiana, united states

Shelley Osborn Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Shelley Osborn

What company does Shelley Osborn work for?

Shelley Osborn works for Monroe Telco Federal Credit Un

What is Shelley Osborn's role in his/her workplace?

Shelley Osborn's role in his/her workplace is Branch Manager.

Which industry does Shelley Osborn work in currently?

Shelley Osborn works in the industry Banking.

What is Shelley Osborn's email address?

Shelley Osborn's email address is

What schools did Shelley Osborn attend?

Shelley Osborn attended Unitech Training Academy - Lafayette.

What is Shelley Osborn's role in his/her workplace?

Shelley Osborn has skills like Banking, Customer Service, Management, Loans, and Finance.

Who are Shelley Osborn's colleagues?

Shelley Osborn's colleagues are and Robyn Blaylock. and Jennifer Pilot.

Who are Shelley Osborn's peers at other companies?

Shelley Osborn's peers at other companies are Kai Andersen, Mukund Joshi, Franco Reboredo, Rajendar Giri, Harish Thakre, and Damian Van Der Westhuizen. and Marta Baggi. Shelley Osborn's peers at other companies are Kai Andersen, Mukund Joshi, Franco Reboredo, Rajendar Giri, Harish Thakre, and Damian Van Der Westhuizen. and Marta Baggi.