Shelley Osborn

Shelley Osborn Email and Phone Number

Project Coordinator And Office Manager @ Fazzari Floor Covering
phoenix, arizona, united states

Shelley Osborn's Current Company Details

Fazzari Floor Covering

Project Coordinator And Office Manager
phoenix, arizona, united states
Project Coordinator at Fazzari Flooring

Shelley Osborn Work Experience

  • Accounting
    Nwestco Llc Dec 14 - Feb 15 · 2 mos
    Kalispell, Montana, United States
  • Call Center Supervisor
    Walgreens May 04 - Sep 06 · 2 yrs 4 mos
    Deerfield, Illinois, United States
  • Accounts Receivable Invoicing Specialist
    Xpo Logistics, Inc. Dec 09 - Sep 10 · 9 mos
    Greenwich, Connecticut, United States
    * Verify accuracy of billing data and revise any errors. * ● Prepare itemized statements, bills, or invoices and record amounts due for freight and logistical services * rendered. * ● Keep records of invoices and support documents. * ● Resolve discrepancies in accounting records. * ● Contact customers to obtain or relay account information. * ● Update manuals when rates, rules, or regulations are amended.
  • Accounts Receivable Billing Specialist
    Consolidated Freightways Mar 94 - Dec 02 · 8 yrs 9 mos
    United States
    * Confer with customers by telephone or in person to provide information about products or services, take * or enter orders, cancel accounts, or obtain details of complaints. * ● Keep records of customer interactions or transactions, recording details of inquiries, complaints, or * comments, as well as actions taken. * ● Check to ensure that appropriate changes were made to resolve customers' problems. * ● Refer unresolved customer grievances to designated departments for further investigation. * ● Resolve customers' service or billing complaints by performing activities such as exchanging * merchandise, refunding money, or adjusting bills. * ● Compare disputed merchandise with original requisitions and information from invoices and prepare * invoices for returned goods. * ● Obtain and examine all relevant information to assess validity of complaints and to determine possible * causes.
  • Investment Processing Specialist
    Vanguard Sep 06 - Aug 08 · 1 yr 11 mos
    Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, United States
    * Read source documents such as canceled checks, sales reports, or bills, and enter data in specific data * fields or onto tapes or disks for subsequent entry, using keyboards or scanners. * ● Compile, sort and verify the accuracy of data before it is entered. * ● Compare data with source documents, or reenter * data in verification format to detect errors. * ● Store completed documents in appropriate locations. * ● Locate and correct data entry errors, or report them to supervisors. * ● Select materials needed to complete work assignments. * ● Contact prospective customers to present information and explain available services.
  • Project Coordinator And Office Manager
    Fazzari Floor Covering Feb 15 - Present · 10 yrs
    Phoenix, Arizona, United States
    Coordinates projects with general contractors, acts as liaison for company to vendors, suppliers, superintendents and project managers,

Shelley Osborn Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Shelley Osborn

What company does Shelley Osborn work for?

Shelley Osborn works for Fazzari Floor Covering

What is Shelley Osborn's role in his/her workplace?

Shelley Osborn's role in his/her workplace is Project Coordinator And Office Manager.

Which industry does Shelley Osborn work in currently?

Shelley Osborn works in the industry Accounting.

What schools did Shelley Osborn attend?

Shelley Osborn attended Portland Community College.

What are some of Shelley Osborn's interests?

Shelley Osborn has interest in Politics, Politics. and Children.

What is Shelley Osborn's role in his/her workplace?

Shelley Osborn has skills like Accounting, Customer Service, and Customer Service Management.